Programs We Offer

  • Learn To Skate

    All skaters begin in our Learn to Skate Program. Classes are offered from pre-kindergarten (both girls & boys) through adult. We offer both beginning basic skating and beginning hockey skating skills in our Learn to Skate Program. Both programs will provide skaters fundamental skills on the ice. Learn to Skate is available for Snowplow through Basic 6 Skaters.

    Spring Registration is Closed

    We will be offering Learn to Skate programming on Mondays and Thursday during our Spring Session. Our first day of spring ice is March 3rd! Learn to Skate programming will take place from 6:00-6:45 pm on Mondays and 7:15-8:00pm on Thursdays. See the calendar for specific dates.

    Benefits of Learn To Skate Membership:

    Allows you to participate in Learn to Skate programming and Compete USA Competitions

    Ability to participate in club events such as the Annual Ice Show & Fundraising Activities

    Opportunity to make friends and become part of the skating community.

    Access to private lesson package during our winter session.

    Not all items are available during our Spring Session

  • Junior Club

    When a skaters has completed the Learn to Skate USA Program, has a desire to pursue competitive skating or just wants to pursue a higher level of skating it is time to move into DEFSC’s Junior Club. Our Junior Club is open to all skaters Basic 4 through Freeskate 1.

    Spring Registration is Closed

    Junior Club programming will be offered on Mondays and Thursdays during our Spring Session. Our first day of spring ice is on March 3rd. The specific dates for our spring session can be found on the calendar.

    Benefits of Junior Club Annual Aspire Membership

    Programming includes Off-Ice, Edging, 30 Minute Group Class, 30 Minute Practice Ice

    Cost includes Junior Club Fee and the option to get an ASPIRE membership with US Figure Skating.

    Parent Education

    Access to purchase DEFSC Clothing

    Junior Club Special Events/Activities

    Ability to participate in club events such as the Ice Show & Community Fundraising Activities

    Junior Club Show Number

    Access to purchase Low Ice

    Private lessons available (fee) on Monday and/or Thursday.

    Dance & Ballet Semi-Private Lessons (fee) on Sunday, Monday and/or Thursday.

    Not all items are available during our Spring Session

  • Diamond Club

    Diamond Club is for skaters that have moved into Freeskate levels. Skaters at this level will start working on spins, jumps, and spirals. They may also begin working on USFS Skating Skills and Freeskate Test levels. Our Diamond Club is open to all skaters Freeskate 2 & above.

    Spring Registration is Closed

    Diamond Club programming will be offered on Mondays and Thursday during our Spring Session! Our first day of spring ice is March 3rd. Dates can be found on the calendar.

    Benefits of Diamond Club Aspire Membership

    Programing includes Off-Ice, Power & Edging, Group Lesson and Practice Ice. Diamond Club skaters also have access to our Thursday Specialty Class which includes intros to AIM, Synchro & Dance (fee)

    Cost includes Aspire Membership that allows you to participate in USFS competitions and test sessions and DEFSC Diamond Club Fee

    Parent Education

    Access to the Club Locker Room & the opportunity to rent a locker

    Access to DEFSC and Diamond Club Apparel

    Diamond Club Special Events/Activities

    Ability to participate in club events such as the Ice Show & Community Fundraising Activities

    Diamond Club Show Number

    Access to purchase Low & High Ice

    Private Lessons available (fee) on Sunday and/or Thursday

    Dance & Ballet Semi-Private Lessons (fee) on Sunday, Monday and/or Thursday.

    Exhibition Performance Opportunities

    Not all items are available during our Spring Session.

  • Hockey: Learn To Skate

    Hockey players need to be quick, agile and efficient!

    Our Hockey Learn to Skate program teaches the fundamentals of hockey skating, through four badge levels, plus power skating.

    Proper skating techniques for the game of hockey are the primary focus and all elements are taught without a puck. Skaters will learn the basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, and other necessary fundamentals to be succesful on the ice.

  • Aspire Program from U.S. Figure Skating

    The Aspire Program marks the transition from skater to figure skater and teaches athletes of all ages the skills they need to make the most out of their figure skating journey. DEFSC incorporates the Aspire program into our Junior and Diamond Club programs.

    Skaters will participate in off-ice, power and edging and have enhanced lesson time to learn the proper skill development and training techniques to help them develop their skating skills. Skaters Basic 4 and above are encouraged to participate in the Aspire Program.

  • Private Lessons

    Private lessons are an opportunity for one-on-one learning for our skaters.

    While we strive to provide all the necessary instruction during regular class times, sometimes a student will need some additional time to master a more challenging skill. Skaters who are competing also use private lesson time to work with their coach to create competition programs.

    Private lessons are available to all skaters, regardless of age or skill. Lesson times and Instructors are assigned by our Skate Director. They are scheduled during practice ice for our Learn to Skate skaters and during Low and/or High Ice for our Junior and Diamond Club skaters.

    We recommend signing up for private lessons at the start of the skating season.